chapter -1


                                                      CLASS 10 th                                                               


Q.1.    what do you mean by ‘In my house’ in the poem?              

Ans.  ‘In my house means ‘ in the heart of the poet     in the poem

Q.2.    What does the speaker want the lord to do at first?

Ans. The speaker wants the lord to light the lamp of his love .

Q.3.    what does “darkness” stand for in the poem?

Ans. “Darkness” stand for “Ignorance “in the poem.

Q.4.   what does ‘light’ stand for in the poem?
Ans.  ‘Light’ stand for ‘knowledge’ in the poem.
Q  5   What are the senses compared to ?

Ans    Senses are compared to the lamp that the poet lighted  

Q. 6    Why does the poet want God to light the lamp?   
Ans.    The poet wants to God to light the lamp to change the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge and  change evil into good .
                                     SEE ALSO