Parts of speech part 2 ( pronoun )


By  Pradeep wadhwa

Defination of pronoun                       
 Pronoun is a word that is used instead of noun in other words   we can define it as a substitute of noun.
For Example                                                       
 I  , you , they , we , he , she , her , my , myself

Types of pronoun                                         
1 Personal Pronoun     I  ,    you , they ,  we ,   he ,   she  

 2 Objective Pronoun    me , you , Them , us     him , her  , 

 3 possessive Pronoun  your , their , our  my , mine 

 4 Reflexive Pronoun     her self , himself , yourself , myself 

 5 Relative Pronoun    who ,  which  , whom , whose , that 

  see also