Parts of Speech
Parts of
Speech :- There are eight parts of speech in the English Grammar and these are
- Noun.
- Pronoun
- Adjective
- Verb
- Adverb
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Interjection
(Detail study)
Definition of noun :- A noun is a name of a person, place
animal, , thing, quality, idea, or events
For Example :- Pradeep , Delhi , Cow , Apple , Respect . Etc.
Types of Noun
( A ) Concrete noun
( B ) Abstract noun
( A ) Concrete noun
Concrete noun :-concrete noun is a noun which we can experienced
with the five senses we can consider following noun as concrete noun
1 Proper noun :- A
proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing.
For Example :- Pradeep ,
Delhi , Monday Etc.
Note :- A proper noun always begins with a capital letter
2 Common noun :- A
common noun is the word used for a class of person, place or thing.
For Example: Teacher , boy , car, man, city, etc.
3 Collective noun :- Collective nouns refer to groups of persons, animals or things.
For Example :- Family , team
4 Material noun :- Nouns which denotes the
materials or substance is called material noun
For Example :- milk, gold , iron , stone , sugar
Note :- A Material noun is measured or weighed, but not counted and various objects are made from material noun
( B ) Abstract noun
Abstract noun :- Abstract Noun is the name of a quality, an action an idea an intangible concept , a feeling , an emotion and such things which we can not experienced with the five senses;
For Example :- Honesty , freedom, friendship , love ,
happiness , knowledge
Countable noun :- Countable noun is a noun which denotes somethings can be counted
For Example :- Pen , Book , table , song , idea ,
Uncountable noun :- Uncountable noun is a noun which denotes somethings can not be counted
For Example :- Water , Milk , music , love , money