Difference between Much and Many


  Difference between Much and  Many


Introduction :-  both Much and Many have the similar  meaning we used both to describe a large quantity ( a lot of ) of  a noun  

Although both have same meaning but have different uses in sentences

दोनों का अर्थ समान होता है  हम किसी संज्ञा (वस्तु ) की बहुत अधिक संख्या या मात्रा बताने के लिए muc इनका उपयोग करते है   

                   Much  (बहुत )

Much :-  Describes the uncountable noun

we use much before uncountable noun Like  time , milk , sunlight ,  these are uncountable noun

( जिन वस्तुओ को हम गिन नहीं सकते उससे पहले हम much का उपयोग करते है )

Examples with explanation


1 There is too…….. Sunlight (Answer = much )

( here in the above example Sunlight is an uncountable noun we can not count sunlight  so we use “ much “ before it )

( यहाँ उपर दिए उदाहरण में हम Sunlight को गिन नहीं सकते अत यहा हम sunlight  से पहले Much उपयोग करेगे )


2 there isn’t ……..  Oil in the bottle.

(Answer = much )

( here in the above example oil is an uncountable noun we can not count oil  so we use “ much “ before it )


                 Many ( बहुत )

Many :-  Describes the countable noun we use many before countable noun  Like  Cars , houses , pens  these are countable noun

( जिन वस्तुओ को हम गिन  सकते  है उससे पहले हम many   का उपयोग करते है )


Examples with explanation

1  I waited for …….  hours  ( Answer = Many )

   ( here in the above example hours  are a countable noun we can count hours so we use “ many “ before it )

( यहाँ उपर दिए उदाहरण में हम Hours को गिन सकते  अत यहा हम hours से पहले many उपयोग करेगे )


2 she has got ……. Friends ( Answer = Many )

     ( here in the above example friends  are a countable noun we can count friends so we use “ many “ before it )


( यहाँ उपर दिए उदाहरण में हम  Friends को गिन सकते अत यहा हम many उपयोग करेगे )

Note :-  if you know more about Countable and Uncountable noun then click below